Dr. B S Ramachandra

Chairman and Director

Ph. D, (Mathematical Physics, Black Holes) Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India.

B.E (Mechanical Engineering) Bangalore University, India.

Professor of Mathematical Physics (Geometric Quantum Mechanics, Geometric Quantization, Loop Quantum


Adjunct Professor: Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research (PPISR), Bangalore, India

Faculty: REAP Program, Bangalore Association for Science Education, Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bangalore, India.

Member: Karnataka Association for the Advancement of Science (KAAS), India.

Member: Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), India.

Member: Indian Institute of World Culture (IIWC), Bangalore, India.

Member: National Federation of Neurolinguistic Programming (NFNLP), USA.

Dr. B S Ramachandra is a scientist and polymath, -a Theoretical Physicist, Educationist and Author on one hand and NLP Master Practitioner and Talent Whisperer on the other hand.

He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bangalore University and did his Ph.D in Mathematical Physics, General Relativity and Black Holes at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIAP), Bangalore, India. He has been awarded post doctoral fellowships by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics and the Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune and an Associateship by the Poornaprajna Institute for Scientific Research (PPISR), Bangalore.

He is Cofounder, Chairman & Director of Centre for Fundamental Research and Creative Education (CFRCE), Bangalore, India. He is also a Faculty at the Research Education Advancement Programme (REAP), Bangalore Association for Science Education, Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bangalore, India. He is a member of the Karnataka Association for the Advancement of Science (KAAS), Bangalore, India, the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), and the Indian Institute of World Culture (IIWC), Bangalore, India

Along with extensive research interests in the field of Mathematical Physics in general and Loop Quantum Gravity, Geometric Quantum Mechanics and Quantization, Differential Geometric methods in Theoretical Physics, Classical General Relativity, Black Holes and Cosmology in particular, Dr B S Ramachandra has had vast and varied teaching experience of over two decades at diverse levels ranging from the primary to the secondary, undergraduate and postgraduate levels.  

In addition, he possesses extensive technical knowledge and skills in the fields of Cognitive Neuroscience, Multiple Intelligences, Psychology of Creativity, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Eastern Philosophical traditions and disciplines. He is a NFNLP Certified NLP Master Practitioner and Certified Montessori Educator. He has hundreds of case studies to his credit, of individuals achieving breakthrough success in their personal and professional lives. He is also the author of a scientific adventure novel on education, Leonardo and Da Vinci- The Tao of Meta-Learning that promises to revolutionize learning as it is presently understood.

Much of his work is focused on exploring the physical universe via the domains of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics and the inner universe of the human Brain-Mind-Consciousness via Cognitive Neuroscience and Eastern Wisdom. It is not usual for one to pursue these twin streams of inquiry in parallel and in harmony, in all earnestness. He started out during his undergraduate years in Western Philosophy, Metaphysics and Mathematical Physics motivated by a quest for truth in physical Nature. Coming to grips with the laws, forces and workings of Nature, he soon realized that much of his quest was intimately tied to a deeper urge to understand the workings of his own mind.

At that time, physical science did not have an all-encompassing, comprehensive answer that fulfilled him and he began to widen his horizons and took a turn to steep himself in Psychology and Eastern Wisdom. In this he was reinforced by the writings of Plato, Descartes, Kant, William James, Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli, Count Hermann Keyserling, Hermann Hesse, Niels Bohr, David Bohm,Swami Vivekanda, Sri Aurobindo and J Krishnamurti. He learnt Sanskrit and Pali and began an intensive study of the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Gita and auxiliary Gitas, the Ramayana and Mahabharata, the six systems of Indian Philosophy, Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism, Zen and the Philosophy of the Martial Arts, Taoism, Tibetan Mysticism etc.

He found that in the depths of wisdom hidden in this domain much truth encrusted by accretions of superstition and falsehood. He quickly became uncomfortable by the self-glorifying attitude of those adherents to rigid forms and outmoded ways of thought who claimed to constitute the contemporary field. On one hand, there were those who held that all that there was to be known, including modern scientific discoveries and mathematics, were already established in ancient India. On the other hand there were also those who held that most things Indian was nothing more than blind belief and naivety and that only in the west was to be found sensible forms of knowledge. After years of inner discipline, practice and inquiry he arrived at a harmonious reconciliation between the objective and the subjective realities in personal capacity though its application to the world awaited more realizations.

He found that Eastern, especially Indian wisdom, was profound in the real sense of the term. Yet, most of it had been directed towards the purely inner life where its explorations reached the acme of knowledge. When turned to the outer life of self-expression, social development and world mastery, however, it had lost much of its hold. Individuals were not lacking who had in the past come to a unified approach to the inner and the outer worlds. These, had arrived at more so by virtue of their personal endeavour. There was no general acceptance of the deep need for inner and outer harmony as a matter of culture. He experienced this gulf in himself in full. Not finding a practical, dymanic, solution, for a time he abandoned the inner pursuits and focused exclusively on the objective reality.

At this juncture, he encountered Cognitive Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Flow and Creativity, Multiple Intelligences and Neurolinguistic Programming, especially through the seminars, workshops and works of several psychologists, cognitive neuroscientists, self-improvement coaches and leaders.

Immersing himself in these disciplines and mastering them he quickly found the solution he was seeking all his life. Cognitive Neuroscience served as a bridge between his pursuits in the Physical Sciences and Eastern Wisdom. In its light, the Eastern Wisdom shone ever more luminous. He realized that Physical Science and Eastern Wisdom both had their scope, limitations and yet, nevertheless, deep meaning for life which was after all, the real testing ground. A true seeker had no patience with armchair academic discussions about what was right and wrong, appropriate or inappropriate. In life there were only choices. It was entirely up to the individual to find out what worked best for oneself. That there were superstitions regarding Eastern Wisdom, as to this there was no doubt. But scientists had their own superstitions as well. When the scientist was unable to see through his/her belief system and biased judgment he/she was subject to a superstition of his/her own creation. In either of the disciplines, one had to proceed with care and sometimes even caution. But it was wiser to be one of those who would rather try out things for themselves than just hold opinions. Life was too precious to be spent in deciding who was right or who was wrong. One had to make a choice and embrace the consequences of one’s own action.

The more he mastered his new-found pursuits, the more he began to experience a harmony between the inner and outer worlds.  He was struck by the scope and magnitude of the issues that found their resolution. One by one he found himself addressing and understanding issues such as,

‘How can one begin to design and nurture one’s life rather than leaving it to chance and nature? How are small steps like goal setting and affirmations taken in the conscious brain-mind powerful enough to lead to giant leverages via the subconscious? Why do Olympic coaches give more importance to the “inner mind game” over the actual physical game during practice? Is it possible to build body muscles or lose and gain weight by exercising in the brain-mind alone? What empowers people to cure themselves of debilitating, degenerative and terminal diseases like cancer and motor neuron disease by belief systems and placebos? Why do beautiful experiences and relationships not retain their freshness and what could one do to keep them forever enlivened?  Can one overcome bad memories and self-limiting beliefs? Why is the self concept most vital to all creativity and success? How does one achieve work-life balance and anchor oneself to states of peak performance?

Spurred on by these queries, he has developed the Neuro-Cognitive Paradigm to put into practical shape the realizations he had. 

Every age has its own challenges that needs must be met in modes of language natural to that age. The language natural for most self-development and self-improvement approaches in the present age is that of Cognitive Neuroscience or in its (controversial in principle but indisputably effective in practice) applied offshoot, Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) or conditioning (NLC). Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Design Human Engineering, Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning and a host of other disciplines like positive psychology, hypnotherapy and time-line therapy are essentially, in one manner or the other, connected to Cognitive Neuroscience. Cognitive Neuroscience, especially in the last decade, has progressed at an unprecedented pace. More significantly, its application to life, in one form or the other has led to a scientific understanding of issues of momentous consequence to everyday life.  

As Mentor and Teacher, Dr. Ramachandra has inspired hundreds of teachers and thousands of students to achieve outstanding excellence and choose careers in accord with their creative talent.

As NLP Coach and Talent Whisperer, Dr. Ramachandra is presently involved in empowering individuals, parents, families, professionals and students in achieving outstanding human excellence and creativity.

He has given numerous motivational talks, seminars and workshops embodying his unique insights into learning and education, creativity and research, NLP and peak performance.