CFRCE Profile

Centre for Fundamental Research and Creative Education (CFRCE)  is an organization dedicated to Positive Change and Self-Actualization and is at once a platform for untrammelled Inquiry and Research and a Talent Hotspot espousing Accelerated Learning in its deepest sense. CFRCE has been founded by a group of scientists and researchers, thinkers and educationists committed to initiating a revitalizing ripple effect in all aspects of learning and inquiry, creativity and research, innovation and entrepreneurship, leadership and education.

CFRCE aims to usher in a new revitalized approach to Learning and Education, Creativity and Innovation, Inquiry and Research, based on and powered by the finest principles derived from Cognitive Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Eastern Wisdom and the Fifth Discipline Paradigm of Systems Thinking and Complexity Theory. 

CFRCE excels in making learning natural, spontaneous, untrammelled and an expression and experience of sheer joy in Discovery, Inquiry, Investigation and Creative Self-Actualization. Students of all ages, from the primary to postgraduate levels on one hand and Individuals, Families and Corporate Professionals find fulfilment at CFRCE in rediscovering and reinventing themselves and achieving breakthrough personal transformations. 

At CFRCE students and individuals are empowered to approach learning and inquiry by evoking the spirit of curiosity, surprise, awe, wonder and mystery inherent in the workings of one’s own mind and in Nature. Rather than focusing on arriving at the ‘right’ answer, one is encouraged to look for all possible alternatives thereby fostering perceptive thinking. An accelerated mode of learning ensues that allows one to flip between the left critical brain and the right creative brain so as to install learning powerfully as an unconscious competence. Learning at CFRCE is aimed not at academic achievement alone but for success in the bedrock of experience that life poses.


  • To drive positive change and creative self-actualization through scientific inquiry and education.
  • To empower  students, teachers, professionals and individuals to actualize their deepest potential.
  • To nurture the spirit of research and inquiry, creativity and innovation, and entrepreneurship in students and professionals.
  • To awaken social responsibility and leadership in young minds.
  • To partner with educational institutions and organizations in making a difference to society, the Nation and the world at large.


  • Mentoring (Students)
  • Peak Performance Consulting (Students, Parents, Professionals and Corporates)
  • Research (Mathematical Physics, Geometric Quantum Mechanics, Geometric Quantization, Loop Quantum Gravity, Black Hole Physics, Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information and Quantum Computation )
  • R & D (Cognitive Neuroscience and Education, Positive Psychology and Education, Psychology of Creativity, Educational Psychology)
  • Teacher Empowerment & Enrichment
  • Seminars and Workshops (Students, Teachers, Professionals and Corporates)