“The greatest luck is the discovery of a new Truth. To that, recognition adds little or nothing.”
–Franz Newman
“…if you pay a man a salary for doing research, he and you will want to have something to point to at the end of the year to show that the money has not been wasted. In promising work of the highest class, however, results do not come in this regular fashion, in fact years may pass without any tangible results being obtained, and the position of the paid worker would be very embarrassing and he would naturally take to work on a lower, or at any rate a different plane where he could be sure of getting year by year tangible results which would justify his salary. The position is this: You want this kind of research, but, if you pay a man to do it, it will drive him to research of a different kind. The only thing to do is to pay him for doing something else and give him enough leisure to do research for the love of it.”
– J. J. Thomson
At CFRCE, Research and Inquiry occupy a central role. Indeed, every educational program and activity is in some way or the other clustered around this. This is because research and inquiry, in the true sense of the term is seen both as the point of departure and also the culmination of the process of self-actualization, the highest unfoldment of human potential and one of the preeminent aims and aspirations of human life. As envisaged by the founders, these activities were sought to be freed from all extrinsic motivations other than that of sharing the spontaneous joy that is an outpouring of creativite insight. Only the pure intrinsic motivation stemming from the self-actualizing instinct that drives the cognitive-conative-affective self-organizing principle in the human being was to be awakened and sustained. The rest would follow as a matter of course, for each individual, according to the initial level of development.
Another key insight was that the development of the human brain followed a similar path as that of science-coupled technology. As is well known, according to Moore’s law and particularly drawn attention to by Ray Kurzweil, technologies are actually accelerating and follow a global and exponential law than a local and linear one. Likewise, the growth of the human brain also, when untramalled by external limiting conditions like that imposed by conventional education, is also global and exponential. Therefore, its potential for research and inquiry needs to be tapped at the right stage. In an earlier era this perhaps was during the so-called graduate level. Today it happens to be at a much earlier stage, -that of the school and undergraduate levels. More than being based on any academic findings this is nothing but what has been continually observed and documented at CFRCE. Right from the beginning of its mentoring programs, it was the constant experience that the modes of research and inquiry were latent in every student sometimes as early as at the fourth grade of school. Coming to grips with the task of understanding this tremendous possibility, it was soon realized that the theoretical underpinnings had to do with a series of profound disciplines, – Cognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Complexity Theory of Spontaneous Self-Organization and Self-Organized Criticality, Systems Thinking and the Fifth Discipline as inspired by Edwards. W Deming and developed by Peter Senge and his collaborators, Dr. Maria Montessori’s profound insight and work, Positive Psychology as pionerred by Csikszentmihalyi and Martin Seligman, and contemporary educational thinkers like John Holt, John Taylor Gatto, Sir Ken Robinson, Performance Psychology etc. The CFRCE model of education has subsumed these disciplines synthetically and seamlessly into its unique and original experiential paradigm as an unconscious competence.
In fields like Theoretical Physics and Pure Mathematics it has been observed that the highest levels of creativity are not unoften associated with youth. Though not subscribing entirely to this, it is nevertheless, a fact that earlier the exposure and earlier the nurturing, more lasting is the development of the cognitive-conative-affective faculties of the child. This in no way leads, -as mistakenly thought, – to a lop-sided development of the total human being. Indeed, as early as a century ago, Dr. Maria Montessori observed that what the child’s mind could do in three years, that the adult mind would take sixty years to accomplish. Marva Collins, with a completely independent insight and manner confirmed this observation. Edwards W. Deming in an entirely different field, that of Management proceeded from a like insight in revitalizing Japan and the United States corporate culture.
At CFRCE this has been verified with yet another completely independent insight and mode of spontaneous learning via what is termed self-actualizing the neuro-cognitive potential. It has also been realized that this early, tremendously powerful mode of learning is possible by virtue of the brain states corresponding to the four brain frequencies, -beta, alpha, theta and delta along with that of the gamma frequencies. The real challenge for any educational system is of course to ensure the deep care and perceptiveness required on the part of the mentor who literally may possess the power to make or mar. This perceptiveness is possible only for a mentor who is simultaneously an learner, inquirer, scholar and researcher with a deep understanding of the psychology of creativity and an appreciation of the sensitive periods of growth of young minds. And once this is ensured, self-actualization proceeds from the spontaneous self-organizing faculty of the young minds themselves.
Research and Education at CFRCE is focussed primarily around Theoretical Physics, Pure Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, and research oriented studies and projects are centred around Electronics, Computer Science and Programming, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Complexity Theory, Biological sciences, Positive Psychology, Business Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Management etc.