Research Fellow

Gautam Ganesh is an exceptionally motivated student gifted with keen interest and talent for the pure sciences and Physics and Mathematics in particular. Though having completed his 12th grade just around a year ago, he exhibits learning in Physics and Mathematics at the level of a Bachelor’s or Master’s student.
His passion for theoretical physics, however, overtops his interest in all other subjects and it is not at all an exaggeration to say that he is a keen young scientific researcher in the making with intense passion and drive for research. The ease and felicity with which he understands and comes up with new ideas and research topics stands testimonial to his mastery of these subjects of his interest.
From a very young age, Gautam Ganesh has been driven by an overarching passion to understand and grasp the nature of order not only in Nature and the Universe that is the purview of the pure sciences but also in the patterns to be found in day to day life. Gifted with an exceptional sensitivity to probe the reality behind appearances, he has delved deep into developing an understanding appreciation for science in general and theoretical physics in particular.
Gautam Ganesh has consolidated his learning in the form of study topics and projects. It is highly pertinent to outline the topics he has covered and mastered as they provide a perspective on his exceptional motivation and extraordinary learning years ahead of his peers.
1) Classical Mechanics – Landau and Lifshitz, Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol 1
2) Schaum’s Outline Series – Calculus
3) Schaum’s Outline Series – Theoretical Mechanics
4) Schaum’s Outline Series – Vector Calculus
5) Tensor Calculus for Physics – Dwight E. Neuenschwander
6) Series and Limits, Multiple Integrals, Fourier Series, First-Order ODEs, Higher-order ODEs – Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by Riley, Hobson, and Bence
7) Electrodynamics – David J. Griffiths(ongoing)
8) Quantum Computing – David McMahon
9) Machine Learning with Neural Networks using PyTorch for my research project
10) Special Relativity and General Relativity (ongoing) – Sean Carrol’s Spacetime and Geometry.
In addition, as a research fellow in his gap year May 4, 2022- present), he has also been working on a research project – Machine Learning Phases of Matter. Using the Ising Model, he has used feed-forward neural networks to first differentiate between magnetic and non-magnetic states, based on the Hamiltonian of the model, using supervised learning. Then, he has deployed convolutional neural networks to differentiate between magnetic and non-magnetic states in more complex models such as topological phases. The building blocks of this research have already been done by Dr. Roger Melko. Gautam Ganesh is seeking to further it by considering more complex topological phases.
In recognition of his outstanding learning and research studies, and teaching and educational activities in which he has played a significant role, he has been nominated a CFRCE Research Fellow.