Research Intern

Tejas Kannan is an exceptionally motivated and inspired student with great passion for and abilities in mathematics and the sciences. At the same time, he is an accomplished musician in the making having practiced the Piano for over eight years and completed several professional exams in Piano. Though in his 12th grade at school, his learning and scholarly studies are much beyond that of a typical 12th grade high school student.
Tejas Kannan started out in his 8th grade as a research intern and student of the Advanced Learner’s program and not only justified his selection to the program but also acquired a depth of learning in mathematics and specifically in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry and indeed the whole of Precalculus, Calculus, and elements of Advanced Calculus, Set Theory at the AP CALCULUS BC level. He also delved into topics like Dynamical Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Fractals, and Catastrophe Theory through a research project he had taken up.
Tejas Kannan has a great passion for communicating his enthusiasm for mathematics. For several years right from his 8th grade, he has been maintaining a YouTube channel Math Deciphered in which he has been consistently posting videos covering a wide spectrum of mathematics. His presentations are clear, to the point and with attention to detail. Several students who have been following it have given feedback that it has been immensely helpful to them in learning mathematics. The one all appreciative comment about this channel is that it has been responsible for diminishing the fear and apprehensions prevailing about mathematics among students. It has empowered them to turn over an apparently dull subject as they come across at school into an easy and exciting subject that they would love to dedicate as a long term pursuit perhaps as a lifelong fulfilment of intellectual potential.
He has good numerical and computational skills and a considerable potential for the kind of mathematics that goes into computer science and programming including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Though not involved in these topics at present, his mastery in set theory and elements of Advanced Calculus marks him out as a promising mathematician with potential applications to discrete mathematics as well.
Research Publications
1. Tejas Kannan – Using Ratios to Link Audio Compression Frequency and Sound Complexity
2. Tejas Kannan – Predicting the IPL (Cricket Leaque) 2023 Winner Using Statistics